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Senior Mobility Scooters Explained

Wheelchairs are a powerful asset to those who are unable or have difficulty walking, but for seniors who are able to walk for short periods of time, the mobility scooter is often a better choice. Mobility scooters are similar to wheelchairs in functionality, but use a different design and typically cost less than an electric wheelchair.

Mobility scooters, which are often called adult scooters, have a much longer base that an electric wheelchair does. The base, which is made out of molded plastic, has one set of wheels in the front and another in the back, although many are three wheeled, so only have one wheel in front. The user sits in a chair that is positioned more towards the rear of the scooter and a tiller, which is similar to a set of handlebars, extends from the front of the scooter and is used to control it.

The tiller usually allows the scooter to not only be turned, but also contain a key locking mechanism, speed controls, and is used to control any other accessories, such as horns and lighting. Many also come with a basket that is attached to the front of the scooter, although even those that do not can be fitted with an aftermarket basket.

Mobility scooters utilize rechargeable batteries, which mean unlike gasoline scooters, a mobility scooter can be used indoors and outdoors. The per-charge range varies by model, with most allowing for at least a 4 mile per-charge range.

Travel scooters, which are designed to be very lightweight, can be taken apart into several pieces, with the heaviest piece usually not weighing over 30 pounds. This way, the scooter can be taken apart and placed in the rear of a vehicle, without having to use a scooter carrier or lift. Of course, to reduce weight many of the comfort features are removed and travel scooters usually have a lower weight capacity and per charge range.

Heavy duty scooters, on the other hand, are almost the complete opposite of a travel scooter. They are designed with performance in mind and have a much higher weight capacity and can often travel over 20 miles on a single charge. With larger tires and higher ground clearance, as well as reinforced bumpers, heavyduty scooters are also have much better performance outdoors and across rugged terrain. However, since they are so much larger in size, it is necessary to use a vehicle scooter lift to transport them. Even though they, like most mobility scooters, can be disassembled into several pieces, the individual pieces are much heavier than those of travel scooters.

The Adult Scooter is often a lower cost alternative to the electric wheelchair. However, due to its design, a mobility scooter can not be driven directly up to a table or desk in the same way a wheelchair can. As a result, most people who use mobility scooters can walk for short periods of time. There are many wheelchair users though that invest in a heavy duty scooter for outdoor use, as they can be driven almost anywhere.

A Closer Look at the Mobility Scooter

Mobility scooters are not exactly new devices and have been around for some time, with the first models first being developed around forty years ago. Up until the nineteen-eighties the cost of mobility scooters, and for that matter electric wheelchairs, was often rather prohibitive, making the device not as common. However, due to increased competition and improved manufacturing techniques, mobility scooters are relatively inexpensive today and are extremely popular among the elderly.

A mobility scooter is a motorized device that is used to carry a single person around their home or as they complete daily activities. Using rechargeable batteries, many mobility scooters are able to support an individual weighing more than 300 pounds over distances exceeding 10 miles on a single charge.

Differences Between Electric Wheelchairs and Mobility Scooters

The function and manufacture of mobility scooters is actually quite similar to that of an electric wheelchair, but the actual design of these two devices is usually quite different.

Since an electric wheelchair is intended for constant use by its owner, it is designed so that it can be driven directly up to a table or desk, with its captain’s chair being positioned atop a small plastic base.

Mobility scooters, on the other hand, are designed more as a walking supplement and are usually used by those who are able to walk on their own for short periods of time. So, a much longer plastic base is used, with a set of handlebars extending from the front of the base.

The handlebars, or tiller as it is usually referred to, make it impossible for a mobility scooter to be driven directly up to a table or desk in the same manner as a wheelchair could be. They also usually contain headlights, turn signals, and other gauges to indicate things like battery strength.

Due to the larger wheelbase of a mobility scooter in relation to an electric wheelchair, they are often better suited for uneven terrain and outdoor conditions.

Types of Mobility Scooters

There are actually quite a few different types of mobility scooters. There are a number of ways to classify them, such as by their range and weight capacity, as well as their intended use.

One of the most common ways to differentiate between different types of mobility scooters is by classifying them as travel scooters, heavy duty scooters, and traditional scooters.

Travel Scooters are designed so that the scooter can be easily disassembled into more manageable pieces. As the name implies, this can make it much easier to travel with, as there is no need for a vehicle scooter lift and often the heaviest piece weighs around thirty pounds, so most people can lift the scooter into their trunk without difficulty. Of course, travel scooters have fewer features and are less durable, as they are instead designed to save weight.

Heavy Duty Scooters are designed for rugged outdoor use and to support a great deal more weight, often well over 500 pounds. They also have a much higher top speed and range than other scooters, as well as being better suited for outdoor conditions. This includes reinforced bumpers, larger wheels, more comfortable seats, and a wider wheelbase. However, due to their size, transporting a heavy duty scooter usually requires a scooter carrier and they may not work as well in the tight corners of a home.

Traditional Scooters fall in between travel scooters and heavy duty scooters. They usually include more features and can often be disassembled, but the individual pieces are heavier than a travel scooter. They also usually have a larger per-charge range and weight capacity than a travel scooter would, while being less than that of a heavy duty scooter.

The Importance of the number of Wheels

The number of wheels an adult scooter has is also used to classify the scooter and can determine what type of activities it is best suited for.

For outdoor use, a four wheel scooter is usually the best choice, as it is more stable and able to provide better weight support. Most heavy duty scooters are four wheeled, as this provides better stability.

A three wheel scooter will typically be more maneuverable, as it has a smaller wheel base, making it a good choice for indoor use. Many travel scooters will use a three wheel design as this makes it lighter as well. In general, an electric scooter with three wheels has a much smaller turning radius, which also causes it to be less stable.

Saving Money on Mobility Scooter Accessories

Mobility scooters are one of the most popular mobility vehicles used by seniors. They offer the convenience of an electric wheelchair, but usually cost less. This makes them an excellent choice for those who are able to walk for short periods of time, but with difficulty.

What Are Mobility Scooters?

The mobility scooter shares a number of similarities with electric wheelchairs, but the design is actually quite different. In an adult scooter, a chair sits towards the back of a base that is quite longer than most electric wheelchairs. A set of handlebars, called a tiller, extends from the front of the scooter, which allows the user to control the direction and speed of the electric scooter.

It is possible to get a three wheel or four wheel mobility scooter, with four wheel mobility scooters offering better stability and weight support. Three wheeled scooters, however, have better maneuverability and usually weigh less than 4 wheel scooters. For those who are going to be using the scooter primarily indoors, 3 wheeled scooters are often a good choice, as they work well in smaller spaces. For outdoor use or if a higher weight capacity is needed, 4 wheeled scooters are almost always the best choice.

Choosing the Right Mobility Scooter Accessory

There are actually a number of different mobility scooter accessories available, which can make the mobility vehicle more comfortable or more convenient. When considering accessories, it is important to differentiate between accessories that are specific to the actual model of scooter and generic accessories.

Scooter specific accessories, which are designed to only work with a specific brand or model of scooter, can be more expensive and are not carried by as many dealers. Some examples of scooter specific accessories would be an automatic lifting seat, which electronically raises and lowers the scooters seat, making transfers more convenient.

Generic Scooter Accessories, on the other hand, are often available much cheaper if you do a little shopping around and since they will work with many types of mobility scooters, it is not necessary to buy them from the same place you buy your scooter. Instead, it is often possible to save a great deal of money by doing some shopping around, where this is not really the case, with the price of most scooters being set by the manufacture.

For example, many mobility scooter dealers will sell visibility flags that can be attached to a scooter, making it more visible in crowds or to vehicles. A visibility flag would be considered a generic accessory, because it is not designed for a specific scooter and will instead work with most models. However, you can often get a much better deal if you goto your local bike shop and buy one of their flags. Scooter bags are much the same and you really can save a great deal of money by shopping around.

There are many types of scooter accessories, including oxygen holders, cane holders, bags, scooter trays, and baskets. By understanding the difference between scooter specific accessories and generic scooter accessories, you can save a great deal of money, because most dealers have a high markup on their accessories. These are the bread and butter, especially if you are getting your scooter for below MSRP.

Frugal TIP: Goto your local bike shop or sports store when looking for things like side-view mirrors, visibility flags, and bags for your scooter. Often, you will save money on these types of generic scooter accessories, as well as getting it right away instead of having to pay and wait for shipping.

Increasing Accessibility With a Mobility Scooter

rascalscooterOften, for seniors walking for an extended period of time can become very difficult. Many times, this is not a big issue when at home, but it can make going anywhere, even to the grocery store, very difficult. To make it easier to get around, the mobility scooter is one of the more popular mobility vehicles available for a senior.

While wheelchairs have been used for thousands of years, the mobility scooter is fairly new, dating back only about fifty years. Mobility scooters also use a design that is very different from that of a wheelchair. One of the major differences is that due to the way a scooter is designed, you can not drive it directly up to a table or desk, so will likely have to transfer to a regular chair when eating or working.

Typically, the mobility scooter will have a rectangle shaped base, with wheels at the front and back. A chair is mounted slightly off center, positioned more towards the back of the base. Depending on the chair, it could offer a very simple lightweight design, or it could be a luxurious captains chair, with a reclining back.

A set of handlebars, called the tiller, extends from the front of the base and can be moved closer to the chair as needed. The tiller is used to control the direction and acceleration of the mobility scooter. A headlight, turn signal, and basket are also often attached to the tiller. They also typically have keyed entry, to protect the scooter from unauthorized use.

Mobility scooters are very popular, because they allow an individual to move easily over relatively large distances, with little physical effort. The range varies by model, but most adult scooters can travel at least five miles on a signal charge, with some capable of traveling more than 30 miles without requiring a charge. It is usually possible to purchase an extra battery pack for the scooter, which effectively doubles the range of the device. When one battery wears down, the battery can be taken out and charged, with the other battery pack being added. Most people will not require an extra battery pack, but it might be a good idea for those who are always on the go and don’t want to be stuck waiting for their mobility scooter to recharge.

Since the mobility scooter is battery powered, it can safely be used indoors or outdoors, although some are better suited at outdoor use than others. Typically, four wheel scooters provide a more stable platform for outdoor use and three wheeled scooters have a smaller turning radius, so are better for indoor use. Most will preform equally well over tightly packed terrain though, so for many people the extra stability offered by a four wheeled adult scooter is negligible.

For the mobility challenged senior, an electric mobility scooter is a very valuable tool that helps increase their mobility. These devices are available to accommodate people of all sizes and can be a valuable asset for those who have problems walking for extended periods of time.