Mobility Scooters Explained

For the elderly, it is common for diseases like arthritis to make it very difficult to walk for extended periods of time. This can have a very big impact on the seniors life, as they are no longer able to spend as much time with family or even walking around a store. Many seniors will use rolling walkers, which are called rollators, or canes, but even when using this type of mobility aid, it still requires a great deal of effort to walk. For more extended use, a mobility scooter often provides a much more practical walking aid for seniors.

Mobility Scooter Basics

Mobility scooters are similar in function to electric wheelchairs, but they are designed quite differently and usually cost a good deal less as well. For example, typically a low end power chair costs as much as a high end mobility scooter, so for seniors who have difficulty walking, a mobility scooter is often the best choice.

The mobility scooter provides a platform with three or four wheels, upon which a chair is placed. The chair is positioned more towards the back of the electric scooter and a set of handlebars extends from the front. The handlebars, called a tiller, not only controls the mobility scooter, but also usually operates its running lights, contains a throttle to control speed, and a battery charge indicator. It is also not uncommon to place a basket on the tiller to hold groceries or other goods.

Three Wheel Scooters vs Four Wheel Scooters

The number of wheels that the scooter has, three or four, is an important consideration, as this relates to both maneuverability and stability. A three wheeled scooter will have better maneuverability at the cost of stability. A four wheel scooter, on the other hand, has better stability as the weight of the user is more evenly distributed. However, this improved stability comes at the cost of a decrease in maneuverability.

As a result, a three wheel scooter is a great choice for indoors and occupants with lower weights. For a higher weight capacity adult scooter or one that will be used a great deal outdoors, it is better to go with a four wheel scooter.

The Three Basic Types of Mobility Scooters

There are three basic types of mobility scooters, travel scooters, heavy duty scooters, and standard scooters.

Travel scooters are designed to be lightweight and taken apart easily. The individual pieces typically do not weigh more than thirty pounds and so it is not necessary to use a vehicle scooter carrier to transport a travel scooter. They are also easily transported on planes.

To reduce weight, most extra features are cut, including lighting systems, lower weight capacity, the type of seat used, and extra body panels to protect against low impact collisions, such as running into the leg of a table. Most travel scooters are also usually three wheel scooters, as this is also lighter. They also have a significantly lower per charge range and top speed.

Heavy Duty Scooters are almost the exact opposite of a travel scooter and are designed for off road use. They have a very high weight capacity and many extra features. This includes larger tires, improved suspension, upgraded body panels, reinforced bumpers, complete lighting systems, higher ground clearance, and an upgraded captain’s chair. Heavy duty scooters also have a very large per charge range and top speed.

Of course, due to the size of a heavy duty scooter, it is almost always necessary to invest in a vehicle scooter carrier to transport the device and they are not always as well suited for the tight quarters of a living room.

Standard scooters
form the middle ground, offering improved functionality, features, range, and speed when compared to travel scooters, but less so when compared to heavy duty scooters. Typically, transporting a standard scooter also requires a vehicle scooter carrier.